Voters share a baby to stick row of the Electoral Justice in Brazil

On May 5, the last day of the regularization of the voter title to vote in 2016, dozens of people formed a queue in the Regional Electoral Court headquarters in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. However, while some were waiting for their turn, others began to share a toddler to pick up the preferential queue, which was lower.

According to information from a local radio station, the child was "borrowed" so that at least three people had faster service. The attendant of the preferential queue only realized what was happening when he saw the same child by the third time.

The fact generated anger among the other people who were in the queue, reason that made the Regional Electoral Court of Santa Catarina passed to demand documents proving the relationship of the person responsible for the child. The accepted documents are letter of vaccination, identity card or birth certificate. The Electoral Justice registered more than six hours of waiting to meet the people throughout the day.


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