Police cars are sold for US$ 4,000 in Sao Paulo

Police car for sale at auction

Cars of the Civil Police and Military Police of São Paulo are being auctioned by the state the same way they were during the service. That is, characterized in corporate colors and markings for police departments, second a news story of Jornal da Band.

A vehicle in these conditions costs around US $ 4,000, are sold legally and the buyer would have no obligation to change the paint or vehicle characteristics, because the car already out of the auction with all documentation in order.

From a legal point of view, who concludes and buys a former police car isn't outside the law, but it would be the very state that is selling the vehicles of wrongly way. The vehicles couldn't be auctioned, as well, for they might be totally uncharacterized to be then sold to ordinary consumers.

The problem is that these vehicles removed from service and apparently auctioned with the same look when they were still active, can favor organized crime, as bandits can utilize them in fake blitzes to promote assaults and kidnappings, for example.


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