Universal Church condemned for teenage rape crime

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God was condemned by the Justice of the Tocantins to pay BRL 300,000, in moral damages, for rape of a minor. According to the Brazilian Justice, the crime was committed in 2011 by the evangelic priest Wanderson Batista Santos, of the Universal Church, in Guaraí, interior of the state. In that year, the victim was 13 years old and evangelic priest, 23. In the sentence, the Judge Ocelio Nobre da Silva said that the accused used his position in the Church to abuse the child. The man was indicted and sentenced to 10 years and 8 months in prison in criminal proceedings in 2014.

The condemnation of the Universal Church for moral damages resulted in an indemnification action. For the judge, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God can withstand a sum of BRL 300,000. "There's no way out of Church of the fact, because it was she who paved the road to abuse, which created the environment of rapprochement between the victim and the criminal, providing prolonged contacts, which resulted in the most intimate relationships", said the magistrate in the sentence.
The Universal Church was also ordered to pay attorney fees. The judge defined the amount at 10% over the updated value of the conviction.

"The use of religion to facilitate illicit practice requires more serious consequences because it is present in the lives of most people and is a factor in the relaxation of personal vigilance over children. And in this way, a fraud of the trust in civil responsibility", noted Ocelio Nobre da Silva.

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God doesn't agree with the judge's judgment and the judicial appeal of the Court of the State of Tocantins.


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