Man puts fire on children's school and kills 10 people in Brazil

The tragedy occurred in the city of Janaúba, in the interior of Minas Gerais. Altogether there were 10 deaths: 8 children, 1 teacher and the watchman, who set fire to himself, in the students and caused the fire that resulted the tragedy.

The Minas Gerais State Attorney's Office (MPMG) has opened three inquiries and a procedure to investigate the fire. One of the objectives is to verify the watchman, Damião Soares dos Santos, had psychological problems.

Around 9 o'clock on Thursday, the guard entered the school, threw flammable material against the children and into his own body, and set it on fire, which quickly spread. In the midst of the tumult, people tried to extinguish the fire with buckets of water and rescue the victims of the flames, without success.


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