Father tries to kill her daughter with poisoned Nutella

Police arrested on 6 October, the teenager's biological father who gave hazelnut cream poisoned for his daughter in Cangaiba, a neighborhood in the East Zone of São Paulo. After eating the candy, on 27 September, six students that were friends of his daughter, got sick and had to be hospitalized.

The criminal, Mason Leoncio Fernandes dos Santos, is appointed by the police as the main suspect of having poisoned the product. According to the police investigation department, he would have done it because he don't want recognize the paternity of her daughter. The girl who was the target of poisoning, however, not ingested the sweet and only shared with friends.

Leoncio was arrested temporarily for 30 days. Police began to investigate Mason after Kaíque Vicente de Oliveira, appointed as responsible for delivering the hazelnut cream to adolescents, snitched he. Police arrived to Kaíque, 21, after meeting  testimonials of relatives and send the candy to expertise.

The young man was a friend of the girl who took the cream to school. He admitted having delivered the product to the teenager in exchange for money, but denied that it was the author of tampering. Police found in his house a substance they believe to be rat poison.

The delegate Paulo Fares, that is investigating the case on the Police District of Penha said that, in fact, Kaique not acted alone. "We need to locate this second person involved and compare it with the information we have. Then we'll discovering motivation of the participation of Kaique if it's true what he tells us or if there is something he has not revealed to us, "he explained.


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