Militants of President Dilma invade shopping in Rio de Janeiro and are booed

A group of militants of President Dilma Rousseff chose the wrong place for his act: the Rio Sul Mall is one of the largest shopping centers of Rio de Janeiro. The group entered the food court, where there were some families with children and began to attack the people with verbal insults and even with physical aggression: some people who were consuming fast-food products were unfairly attacked.

The group stayed for about 10 minutes screaming and caused disturbances. The leader of the militants, with a megaphone shouted, "This mall doesn't receive poor people. But today, stopped to receive us. "

At the same time, they began a be booed by the mall users and store employees. At the end of the act, the group leader distributed bread with mortadella and they left the place. They expected support from the public but only managed to even be booed by  mall users.

So security guards surrounded the group and drove them out, while the police was called.


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