Students use helmets at classroom after ceiling fan fall into school of Roraima

Students use helmet for self-protection
An unusual scene took place inside a classroom state school Wanda David Aguiar, in Roraima. Students used motorcycle helmets to protect themselves from ceiling fans. The case occurred on the night of March 19, few minutes after a ventilator almost reach students. No one is hurt.

Helen Ruth, 20, is the 2nd year student of the school that is in the west zone of Boa Vista city, she told the "Brazil Unknown" that friends decided to wear helmets' by not withstand more live with the risk of injury inside the classroom'.

Another student said that besides the precariousness of ceiling fans, the device of air conditioning installed in the classrooms do not work.

On the night of Wednesday (20), students also staged a protest in front of the school. They questioned the reforms made at school and the lack of staff to clean the institution. Because of the protest, the school has run classes on the night shift.
"Besides all the precarious physical structure, school meals is bad and too little. We can not take it anymore," said a student without identifying.


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