City Hall take away blankets of homeless in São Paulo's streets

Homeless persecuted by the Mayor Fernando Haddad

São Paulo has recorded five deaths of homeless people from the cold since the beginning of June: two in Santana, North zone, one in Paulista Avenue, in the central region, one in Bom Retiro, in the center, and another in Belém, East zone. The official cause of death can only be confirmed after the results of the autopsy, made by IML (Medical Legal Institute), which had not yet ruled on the specific cases.

But both those who live on the sidewalks as the Pastoral Care of São Paulo's Street People (an NGO) accuse the GCM (Metropolitan Civil Guard) and other staffs from the City Hall to remove their blankets, mattresses and even pieces of cardboard they use to against the cold, by order of a policy "hygienist" of the mayor Fernando Haddad, according to Exame magazine.

The janitorial operations, known popularly as "rapa", are known to whom suffers from low temperatures. In Square 14 Bis, in the Bela Vista neighborhood, central region, the homeless are already accustomed to, just before 7 am, get up to disarm their "huts" (shelter with cardboard boxes for cold protection) before the "rapa" arrives.

Otherwise, they say that GCMs play all out. "Only this year have occurred three times. In one, led to my documents inside a backpack, "said Marlaine Regina Sposito, 41 years old, living for a year in the Square 14 Bis. "The rapa arrives and sends us take everything from under the slab where we sleep," she accused.

"They take what little we have. And these days has made too cold. Then we wake up afraid of losing our stuff the next morning, "said José Carlos Gomes, 56, five years ago on the street.

According to the priest Julio Lancellotti, coordinator of the Street People's Pastoral, the rapa has taken "all the homeless have". "They have taken blankets, mattresses and the rest that people have to protect themselves from the cold. The argument they give is they're doing 'public cleaning', says the representative of the church.


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