Man does pregnancy test and discovers rare cancer

It was just to be a joke, when the Brazilian José Gerardo Soares Filho, 18, a nursing student, decided to take a pregnancy test and the result was positive. It was in January of this year during a class.Upon showing the exam at home, her mother thought the result was the boy's girlfriend. But not. The hormonal alteration that gave a false positive pregnancy was due to a rare cancer: TGC (germ cell tumor, choriocarcinoma), located in the mediastinum (thoracic region).

According to a study by researchers at the Cancer Hospital A.C. Camargo, this type of cancer is very rare, presenting in small germ cell tumors of the mediastinum. It affects young men (15-35 years old) and rarely women. They are usually not very large. One of the symptoms is precisely a high rate of serum b-HCG - the same hormone produced by pregnant women and detected in the pregnancy test.

Gerardo was then submitted to chemotherapy sessions. At the beginning of June, despite a clinical improvement, the exams showed no significant recovery for the cure.


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