Uber driver is thrown into cliff after assault

A Uber driver lived moments of terror in Belo Horizonte, in the interior of Brazil. The man was thrown into an area of ​​about 20 meters high, in the Belvedere neighborhood, after being robbed. Tiago Souza da Silva, 29, had been missing for nearly a week after to do a run around the neighborhood. There is no information yet about the robber.

The investigations began in the night when Tiago disappeared and his car was found in the morning in Mariana, in the central region of Minas Gerais. The police are still investigating to get to the criminal. The victim was on a background of a cliff, with 20 meters high, beside the Jose Maria Alkmin Avenue, in Belvedere neighborhood.
The Fire Department was called and rappelling techniques was used to get to Tiago, in a location that was difficult to access. The victim was placed on a stretcher and suspended by a rope to reach a high point, near the site. The driver was injured and was taken by the Mobile Emergency Service to the João XXIII Hospital.

By way of note, Uber has informed that it is collaborating so that the bandits are found. "We are happy to know that our collaborator is alive. We will fully assist in investigations, according to the terms of the law, to help bring those responsible to justice," they said.

Source: EM


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