Burp in restaurant generates fight and five people goes to the police station

Five people were arrested at the Depac (Civil Police Department) at dawn on the 7th, after a fight at the restaurant in downtown Campo Grande, in the Mato Grosso do Sul state. It all happened because of a burp from one of the customers. Two boys caught the eye to the "burping-man" and started the discussion. Minutes later, after leaving the scene, the "burping-man" returned with a friend and started the aggressions. Victims and aggressors were taken to the police station, less than 500 meters from the site.

According to the bulletin of occurrence disclosed in Campo Grande News portal, the event occurred in the snack bar located on Rua Barão do Rio Branco, between Padre João Crippa and José Antonio Pereira streets, in Campo Grande city, around 4:20 am.

Heard by the delegate of duty, João Eduardo Santana Davanço, victims and aggressors were released on Saturday morning.


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