Man uses a poster to ask for employment in Brazilian streets

An unusual scene daily draws the attention of drivers and pedestrians passing by Farrapos Avenue, corner with Cairú Street, since 23 August. Unemployed for 11 months, Delcimar Santos da Silva, 35, found a different way to look for a job. After ten interviews, more than 150 resumes sent and several "NO", he decided to go to the streets with a poster that expresses its interest in a job vacancy.

- I never said not to work, always did everything they asked me - account while holding the placard in the pedestrian crossing, with the help of his son Gabriel da Silva, 13 years.

Residents of the neighborhood Vera Cruz in Guaíba, he and his son they stay from noon to 15h in Farrapos Avenue. Then proceed to the corner of Ramiro Barcelos Street, where they remain until 17h. The honks and shouts of "Good luck!" are serving as support for both. In street, Delcimar makes clear: don't want nothing food or money, need a job. He is one of the 196,000 unemployed in the metropolitan region, according to the Economics and Statistics Foundation (FEE).

- Advertising is the soul of business, right? I started kind of shy, but I have received some messages in Whatsapp asking me to send my resume - says enthusiastically.


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