Brazilians use the Waze to prevent assaults

Brazilian website that helps prevent car thefts

Residents of the city of Belém, state of Pará, adopted alternatives to avoid the assaults, and the Internet has been a tool in the prevention of crimes. One is the site "Where was robbed", built collaboratively to netizens mark on an interactive map the points where they were victims of thefts, robberies and car break-ins.

The population believes that initiatives such as "Onde Fui Roubado" (Where was robbed) can be very effective to prevent assaults. Some sites like "B.O Coletivo" (Collective police report) also allow the analog record of events: accessing the page, the user can print a poster to indicate where he was robbed.

Another application used by smartphone owners is "Waze", which uses the phone's GPS to display routes in the city, allowing the surfer mark points of interest as hazardous locations and stretches where there is visible policing.


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