Thieves pretend to be volunteers to steal expensive backhoe loaders in Mariana

Mariana: biggest natural disaster of the Brazil
Presenting like as representatives of a Rio de Janeiro contractor interested in collaborating on rebuild after the mudslide tragedy in Mariana (MG), a group falsified documents, rented 10 vehicles - between trucks and backhoe loaders - cleaned the mud for days and then disappeared, taking part of the equipment and causing a loss of BRL 2 million (US$ 500,000) to companies and workers of the city.

A pickup truck with the value of BRL 90,000 (US$ 23,000) was stolen too. The scammers left debts in two car rental shops, in a gas station, in a hotel and ten unpaid employees.

In January, they began to remove the mud from the affected sites and worked for a week.  "After a week, they said they would take the equipment to be serviced," said the mayor.

To get the job done, they rented the vehicles in Belo Horizonte and the pickup truck in Mariana. They also hired ten locals to work.  No one was paid.

The vehicles had trackers, but they were disabled by the group.  In total, a pickup truck, three backhoe loaders and a hydraulic excavator were stolen.


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