Train company have 116 employees earning more than the governor

Governor of São Paulo travelin in a metropolitan train

The CPTM (São Paulo Metropolitan Train Company) has 116 employees with remuneration higher than the governor Geraldo Alckmin: maximum value from BRL 21,600 determined by law.
The company is obliged to respect the limit for being a public company dependent on government resources - the spend of the company with salaries was BRL 785 million in 2014, 38% of its revenue.
In October, however, employees in leading positions, such as directors, managers and department heads, received over BRL 30,000.
The governor signed a decree ordering the disclosure of the salaries of 44,000 employees of state-owned enterprises in August, but the state's transparency portal only began to publish the information on October.

Right of reply

The CPTM said respect the ceiling of functionalism and the highest salary is $ 20,300 (not counting additional funds for unhealthy activities, dangerous ou night work.

The Metro (company of subway system) said it has 98 rather than 270 employees with salary above the ceiling. The criteria adopted by the Metro is to count only nominal wages.


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