Justice condemns town to indemnify student who pooped in his pants

The judge of the 5th Civil Court, Airton Pinheiro, condemned the Municipality of Natal to pay BRL 5,000 for pain and suffering, a student who pooped in his pants after hearing the teacher three negative to go to the bathroom during class. The decision was published in the Journal of Justice. The teacher appealed the decision.

The boy's mother, who was 11 at the time, filed the lawsuit after the constant constraints suffered by the child in school, which ended up causing the loss of the school year of it, beyond the need for psychological counseling for a year and a half. According to the lawyer Guilherme Martins de Melo, "the boy studying in 6th grade and failed a grade, he had to change shifts and then changed his school. He felt chills when he entered the school."

In one of the hearings, the teacher reported that only realized the seriousness of the problem after the student out of the classroom and see feces in his wallet.
The judge cites in its decision the teenager's testimony, which confirmed have asked three times to go to the bathroom and that the three requests were denied by the teacher. The teacher, in his first statement, he said that there were only denied the first request of the student, but that would have authorized the go to the bathroom then.


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