Couple with eggs is expelled by leftist militants in protest

A couple carrying two boxes of chicken eggs were expelled by militants from the PT (Workers' Party) of Santos Andrade Square, in the center of Curitiba, where the caravan of former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) around the South region of Brazil.

Entrepreneur Fabio Monroe, 44, and commercial manager Rosângela Araújo, 47, were forced to leave the square under threat from PT militants who said "bourgeois here, no." One of them poured water on the couple.

Asked about what they were doing in the act with the boxes of eggs Monroe replied: "If they are doing their democratic exercise, we also want to. Eggs are to do what the people of Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina have done in the last few days."

Lula and his caravan were greeted with eggs in almost every city they passed through in the caravan that ends today after nine days.

The couple came to the police after the expulsion, but the police said they couldn't do anything because they did not "catch" the expulsion. A leftist militant pointed out to the police the boxes with eggs and the soldier Silva Souza, who attended the couple, said that carrying eggs is not a crime.


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